
Green Increases Wealth. The primary color in nature, it corresponds with life's riches. It is the color of fresh starts and growth. It will encourage you to honor your unique talents and manifest them in the material world. Try a Green...desk chair, front door.
Blue Encourages Efficiency. It will purify your thinking, so you can cut through the clutter and discover what is most important in your life. It helps you integrate the big picture with the little picture. Try a Blue... oversized tray, wastebasket, desk lamp.
Orange Expands Your Thinking. It reduces self-consciousness and allows you to express yourself with confidence. Use it in your home when you want to feel younger. It is the color of laughter and celebration.
Purple is Spiritual. It will help you connect to a higher plane. Purple encourages a fresh perspective on emotional issues. Use it in your home to enhance compassion and experience friends as family. Try a Purple...cashmere throw, yoga mat.